"LEXIT is the first online marketplace that allows entrepreneurs to trade IP, copyrights, code, and even sell entire startups."
Ticker Symbol LXT
Country Estonia
Platform Ethereum
M&A is becoming the new R&D. Are these good or bad news for the oligopoly dominating the tech industry? | TechBullion Is the Blockchain Now Coming for the Big Boys Club of Mergers and Acquisitions? | Finance Magnates Lexit Blog > How Blockchain Protects and Monetizes Intellectual Property in Software
Amir Kaltak
Wajid Khilji
Deniss Raider
Maija Majamäki
Nikita Samylin
Frederik Prins
Dr Jason Corbett
Ana Falcon
Dmytro Tkachuk
Ekaterina Goncharova
Sayeed Ahmed
Toomas Lepik
Krista Kevad
Valeria Shirlina
Kristian Söderström