Last Update 2018.07.19 11:01 AM UTC

Waves Community Token


BTC Price

Ƀ 0.00007633

Ƀ 0.0000028    ( 3.79% )
Market Cap       
Ƀ 763.30
( Ƀ 763 )

Change 1HR
Volume 24HR
Ƀ 0.1095
WCT 1,505.25
Change 24HR
24HR Low-High
Ƀ 0.00006312 - Ƀ 0.00008047
Change 7 Day


2 Exchanges

The Waves Community Token (WCT) is a Waves Platform asset intended to provide a tool for community assessment of crowdfunding campaigns launched on the Waves platform and to incentivize long-term holding by providing an additional income stream for WAVES token holders in the form of regular asset distributions. WCT will be a virtual community organization. It will be launched in several stages based on the technical maturity of the Waves platform.